Ms McC (who for reasons best known to herself now chooses to be known as Elizabeth Darling*) has kindly agreed to allow pictures of her previous state to be circulated in an attempt to alert other, younger, more impressionable souls of the risks associated with the perilous (and lonely) path to self-destruction she once trod (stuck as she was right at the back of the wardrobe).

Remember her now?
(poor dear)
(poor dear)
Well, let me present to you........
Ms Elizabeth Darling
Ms Elizabeth Darling

and our darling she truly is once more
[Followers of fashion please note the organic vegetables being toted (in preference to other, possibly darker, substances Ms Darling had been suspected of sustaining herself upon previously - dust, predominantly) - we here at Overmilkwood are predicting this new fashion-health hybrid accessory will be huge in Spring 08. It's a trend likely to spread rapidly throughout London's most fashionable circles, possibly even globally, once the press has captured Elizabeth Darling out on the town (remember readers, you saw it here first)]
No more dark wardrobes for Ms Elizabeth. It is our guess she will be tripping the light fantastic about the living space and in various boudoirs around and about...
(Hey Mum, I think you'd approve of her transformation)
* Elizabeth was Mum's name and suggested by my two sweet girls as an appropriate name for the newly transformed gal, without any prompting from me I might add. Much springing of tears to eyes ensued...
Ms Elizabeth Darling looks well darling! ;o) very good plastic surgeon!
Excellent job at restoring her to her original beauty. Was very excited to see my first comments appear on my blog, AnnieB will always be remembered now!
well done, she is most definitely restored to above and beyond her former glory : )
Elizabeth Darling looks fab, fab, fabulous :)
What a poppet ! I seriously approve of Elizabeth as it's mine and my daughters middle name. A beautiful name for a beautiful restoration
Oh, SO nicely done. I have a quilt in desperate need of repair.
By the way, thanks for stopping by and leaving the kind comment. :)
Gorgeous ! She will definately be the toast of the town
She looks amazing now, ready for a trip down Bond Street or maybe Borough Market to buy some fab organic produce!
She looks adorable!
Wow, doesn't she look darling!
She looks relieved and happy. Quite buoyant.
Hello fellow Wexford Annie. Loretto or Pres?
How lovely! I particuarly approve of Ms Elizabeth Darling's stripy socks!
She is adorable! You are so talented!!
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