First, the tea :: gift from my lovely friend Clare who was lucky enough to be whisked off to Paris to celebrate her dear love's birthday and who managed to drag her mind from thoughts of romance, wine, riverside walks and other such Parisian delights long enough to buy me this tin of truly delicious tea. I don't think Clare reads this blog but if she does :: THANK YOU CLARE!
Someone mentioned they liked the button's on Isaac's Kimono cardi.

Now, I got myself to Origin at Somerset House last Friday (before attending a leaving do for my lovely friend Ellie at work at which copious amounts of bubbly were consumed - just as well I didn't hit Origin after lunch - I wager I would have managed to offload some serious cash (or rather credit) had I done so)
And these are some of the things I'd have invested in had I done just that (all these images are from the designer's own websites):
A Globe ring in cellulose acetate and silver from Lesley Strickland, probably in Oyster Pearl...or maybe in Deep Ocean...then again possibly in...

A waffle blanket from Wallace+Sewell :: warm, very tactile and beautiful colours - what more could a girl ask for in a blanket?

A teapot and maybe some nice cups from Virginia Graham who recreates beautiful vintage china but with a very contemporary twist

Something pleasant for my wall from Gina Pierce whose "Peeling Paint" digitally printed fabric panels quite made me swoon. They recreate the effect of walls in the process of being restored, with hints of peeling paint and wallpapers layered over each other.

Finally I would have certainly picked up a pre-official publication copy of Sew It Up by Ruth Singer.

Now, I just have to get my darling beloved reading this post in advance of the festive season. Ahem...
Thanks to everyone for the commiseration on the knitting disaster. No sign of the bag so I have officially given up and am trying to piece together its contents again. Could have been worse, could have been my forecast in there (yes, still going since last March...that's bad eh?! second thoughts maybe I should hope it will be lost...)

PS Jane (who was supposed to accompany me to Origin but got unhappily detained elsewhere on a less pleasant pursuit involving the outpatients department at our local hospital) I hope you are feeling better now, shame you missed it!
Hi Annie. I Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and that you've been nominated for an award :)
Please see
oh, Miss Milkwood. Had I been there with you, you would have most certainly spent a whole heap of credit!!!!
Thanks for the virtual shopping spree! My credit card can't take the real thing at the moment.
LOVE those peeling, wallpaper panels and the waffle blankets, and the little red tea tin ... well all of it actually!
That tea looks so yummy! I need to make up a pot right now!
Mmm... You have fine taste indeed! Love the tea set, and "restoration in process" look wallpaper. Mm-mm.
Go on, you know you want to finish that Forecast sweater! :)
I do live your blog! Hope it's ok I've put you on my blogroll? :-)
Eek! Ha ha!
Of course I meant LOVE it! Though I imagine living it would be kinda cool too... Hee!
wow what a great lot of eye candy!!
i kinda got goosebumps at those grey mop buttons - oh dear maybe i shouldn't admit to that - he he he x
Oooh lovely things! Hope the knitting bag turns up, and meantime enjoy forecast.
I would like to visit the Origin show so its nice to hear a reveiw. I have been thinking about getting that book. Will you get it later?
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