we spent our morning making these...

I was in charge of the 4 one, but Ms Reva took total charge of the felt portrait one...she had been asking if we could put a picture of Lara onto the first but my energy/creative/hassle levels were low and I kept saying no I don't think we'd be able to do that (which is very unlike me when making stuff with the kids, the one good thing about having me as a parent is that I'm normally game to rise to any creative challenge) however the girl persevered and in the end she put it together herself. Hats off, she did a great job. I was then left to do the stitching (in a kind of renaissance master:minion operation) while she reclined on her sick-couch, spent from her exertion...
I've been making little badges since the kids were younger...I attach them to a blank card for their birthdays and then keep them on a shelf in their room all year...here is Madame Esther's from last birthday...

(come to think of it I was just like this with labelling things at school too)

I haven't forgotten about the giveaway...pop back next week and hopefully I'll have had a chance to get it together. In the meantime why not pay a visit to LucyKateCrafts where there is a very sweet little critter looking for a home right now...
Agh, the chickenpox! Your poor girly. At least she got to do crafts while sick--and you, too. It's better than the bus!
Ah, tag-itis. A well known complaint I think.
Cute ! Beats those horrible plastic badges.
Once you have a label it has to go on everything. That's the law.
hope the pox clears up soon
Love ali's comment "Tag-itis" I'm giggling my pants off!
I hope you've had chickenpox, nothing worse than getting it as a grown up.
OOhhh...hope your girlie feels better soon. Similar goings on here, although it turns out it may not be the pox ! Horrible business.
LOvely badges by the way :)
Lovely badges (and labels!). Hope you and your children are surviving the pox!
these are so sweet! and clearly, everything should be tagged, so you are correct in attaching labels ;)
Flipping heck, blogger is being a pain and won't let me comment. Boo hiss. I'll try again...
fabulous badges!!!!
sorry to hear about your daughter's chickenpox. I remember having it...not fun! :(
having fun hanging out on your blog this morning :^)
sorry about the pox!
I just discovered your blog - and I know I'll be back for more! These badges are so sweet, I'm going to have to try and remember for the next birthday in our family...
Hope everyone gets better soon, and enjoys some loving together time in the process.
Hi! I'm thinking that if you love putting tags on things you could drop by and help with some labels for school uniform. I feel strangely lacking in enthusiasm.
Now, your badges - that is quite a different matter. Guaranteed to raise a smile on the spottiest of faces.
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