It duly got shredded (well, cut into long strips). And the strips stitched together. A large crochet hook was located deep in the bottom of stitching craft paraphanelia box no.59 [third from the right, second shelf down].
Google was fired up and my almost annual search for how to perform those basic crochet stitches unleashed.
I was beginning to wonder whether I'd have enough of the strippaged yarn to make anything useful (cos, y'know, it's all about usefulness round here ;-) ) when, lo and behold, deep in to-be-upcycled-sometime-this-century stash box no. 33 [extreme left, bottom shelf] what did I find but another candy-striped scarf bought in a different charity shop sometime last year and utterly neglected, nay erased from the memory banks entirely.
A silver lining in the cloud of the hideous forgetfullness that forms the very core of my being these days.
Still not sure what it might end up being, but I do love it...
Can't believe you found two of them!
I can sense the excitement!
I'm just jealous that you can crochet !
I SOOO want to learn to crochet. I do that too btw, buy stuff, stash it, forget it, then enjoy the joy of finding it all over again!
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