ok, so there really was no sublime...but this is getting ridiculous...it's JANUARY!!! I posted last in OCTOBER...blimey, how did that happen?
well, stuff has been going on, as always. Big changes afoot chez Milkwood. Am sure I'll you all about them in due course.
The crafting has been hit as a result of the energy demanded by the changes, but I still have some things to show (as I should, I've had 3 bloody months!)
First up - my dear and darling friend Gail had herself a dear and darling third child, a beautiful little girl called Maya. So obviously it was an opportunity not to be missed to indulge my love of all things cute and cosy and rustle her up a baby quilt...

isn't she adorable? good god, I'll be coming over all broody next, and that would NEVER do, believe you me...
Then came Xmas (Happy Xmas all!) and I went a bit crazy making neck warmers for the ladies in my life. All from ultra gorgeous, warm and snuggley Noro Kureyon

Cute aren't they - I got the pattern from the woman down the wool shop, but apparantly you can get similar pattern on Marths Stewart's website - don't say I never tell you anything...
Oh, and I finally finished the Stolen Moments wrap, which I am very happy with...my one quibble with it is that it (the Big Wool I knit it from rather than the wrap per se) moults a lot all over my coat (one of the guys at work thought I was covered in cat hair - it's GREEN - huh? what kind of cats do they have in Sydenham then??...) and (oh, there appear to be two quibbles) it has gone very bobbley very quickly. Sigh.

Is very warm though and I LOVE the colour...(is a bit, um, greener, in real life)
Ok, I will make no promises about my return...but I hope to be back sooner rather than later...
Hope you are all doing ok out there in blogland and sorry again I've been so useless of late...
Well HEY!!! Happy Christmas, and a Happy New Year. Belated greetings, but better late than never.
Nice to see that you've been alive and craft-kicking :)
well, there I was thinking you had possibly died/got a real life.
Nice to have you back, however fleeting your visit may be.
Love the quilt, love the neck warmers, love the big cosy thing made from green cats. Love it all.
Hi, great your back! Love the neck warmer bow, very cute!
well it was very exciting to see you'd blogged!
happy 2010 :0)
love the baby oh erm i mean quilt ;0)
and the neckwarmers are lovely too
what a shame about the bobbley moulty-ness of the wrap but hey i looks really nice!
Good to see you back!! And happy new year to you all.
The quilt is lovely, the neck warmers and wrap also. Hope to see you again soon! x
Hiya! Welcome back to blogland. A Happy New Year to you too. The quilt is lovely and baby Maya is very sweet.
I like your neck warmers, such a cool present.
I've got some Big Wool at home ready to knit a cardigan. A lot of knitting bloggers have said the same thing about the yarn. Oh well, at least it will keep us warm. :)
Hello and happy new year!
love the quilt and it's great to see you back on blogland. Need to do the same myself. Big wool does bobble a bit but is so lovely to wear...and quick to knit!
Wow you have been busy. Beautiful work, all of it, loving the teenie scarf and the baby quilt so very much.
I love the bow scarflette! I've made these too (I think there is one on my folksy shop at the moment). I'm sure they'll go down a storm - everybody that saw mine requested one for themselves! Keep up the good work!
Nice to have you back, however fleeting your visit may be.
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