Contrary to popular belief it is not all tea round here. From time to time (read that as every day at 10am) I like to make a cafetiere of coffee and indulge myself in a blast of hot strong caffeine but all too often my pursuit of this little indulgence gets interrupted (spouse/children/work/ get the picture) and I get back only to be faced with the disappointment of a luke warm pot of coffee and a choice between throwing it away or microwaving it. Neither of which pleases me.
Obviously something needed to be done...enter the cafetiere cosy

I made this in less than twenty minutes while also watching Ms Bester do some drawing, so it really is a very quick and simple project (that may just revolutionise your life)
Here is how to make one:
For a small cafetiere (bodum one cup for example) you’ll get away with using a sleeve, for anything bigger you’ll need part of the body.
Measure the distance between the top and bottom of the handle (by eye, measuring tape, bit of string, holding a section of the felted sweater (whose colour makes your heart sing) up against it – these are all permissible techniques) and cut a long rectangle from the sweater. Make sure it is long enough to go all around the body of the jug and have a little bit (say two inches) to spare.
From your collection of beautiful wools and flosses select one whose addition to the felted sweater will enrich your warm coffee experience as much as you can bear. Use this to blanket stitch all around your rectangle.
Then choose a couple of nice buttons (from your extensive button collection) and cut slits in one end of the rectangle of a size generous enough to accommodate those buttons. Blanket stitch around the slits to make pretty buttonholes.
Attach buttons to opposite end of rectangle in the right places so that they meet the buttonholes when the rectangle is stretched snugly around your cafetiere.
Embellish the cosy to your hearts desire.
Put kettle on. Make pot of delicious hot coffee. Apply cosy to said pot using pretty buttons to secure.
Snuggle up with great book/the newspaper/a craft project/your darling/whoever was at the door (maybe omit the snuggling for this last one, unless you know them well of course) and forget about it for a while.
Remember the coffee, pour into your favourite cup (milk and sugar as you wish) and delight in the fact that is still toasty hot when you finally take a sip.
Am off to Switzerland on Friday to check out my new nephew (and hopefully drink lots of nice hot coffee with my sister!).
fabulous! Nice to see you actually doing a bit of crafting for a change, instead of losing knitting bags and stuff.....
What a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing this:)
mmmm, not a coffee fan but I do like that!
it's tea all the way in this household BUT that was a great tutorial very sniggersome!
have fun in foreign parts!
I love it! Need one for cups of herbal tea those Australian ones.....Glad to report the enjoyment of coffee, tea, Isaac, duck confit, claw of croissant and a fine long natter chez nous en Suisse!
Looks really good, have a cup for me!
Thanks for this - i've been meaning to make one for ages. i'm with you on the 10am NEED for coffee, and like you I usually end up nukeing it,which totally ruins the mood!
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