there were some minor technical hitches chez milkwood, then a bit of difficulty getting back into the swing of things after the summer that never was...

Autumn is drawing in, the evenings are getting shorter, it's time to think about coats and boots, hats and scarves again. It's a little depressing given that we didn't actually have a summer this year and the thought of heading into a winter without the lift that some warm sun on your face has given is a little grim.
However, we shall not dwell overlong on such unsavoury topics. Winter does provide a useful call for knitted items after all and the needles have been duly dusted off and fired up. Mostly for baby kimonos right now (watch this space for details of my new nephew - due this week...very exciting)
In the meantime, let me share with you pictures of the lovely things I got in the post lately...

and finally, these beautiful photos from Diane as part of the scentofwater photoswap, theme this time was motion and Diane captured that perfectly...I particularly love the washing line shot, while the kids are drawing lots to see who gets the deer on their bedroom wall...Thanks again Diane (Diane also included a very thoughtful tea sample which was the first cup I had when I got home from my hols...bliss!)
now, who could be fed up with all that loveliness sloshing about...not me, that's for sure...roll on winter, that's what I say...
I'm sure you will figure out something great to make of the fabrics! The vintage fabrics look great!
oooh, what beautiful things!!! You lucky madam. I am LOVING the fabrics (of course). You know, if you get stuck with something to do with them there's always my house...they would be most welcome here.
Those photos are great. Why am I so very rubbish at photography? Teach me to be better, PLEASE.
ps good to have you back - I've missed your ramblings
Great colours, just sit and look at them a while.
Lovely things in the post - fabrics and photographs are all beautiful.
yeah you're back!!!
lovely fabrics.
What lovely post you have had. Definately need to cyber swipe some of that yummy fabric. :D Worried if you will like the 'stuff' that I collected while traipsing around Singapore with my playgroup. Um could you please email me your address so I can send said 'stuff' to you?? No fair about the weather. I have been wishing you some of Singapore's awesome weather for ages. Well may be there is something in the 'stuff' to remind you of summer sun....
Welcome back! Nice loot. I have no fear that you'll be able to figure out something fabulous to do with all that fabric.
Incidentally, I'm putting the finishing touches on your sac. Stay tuned...
I am so glad your back - I had imagined you had wandered off for good to dance with lampshades on your head.
I thought you had disappeared for good!
Nice to see you back.
How exciting, waiting for your new nephew!
All the best to the mum to be!
Good to see you back! I love your new fabrics - looking forward to seeing what you make with them! And a great photography swap too. I wish I had some kind of skill in photography!
Such delightful swaps!!! How nice she was to send you the wonderful Liberty fabrics! And the sheets are so beautiful together!
great to see you back around in the blogging world. Lovely fabrics, and beautiful photographs.
I havne't knit anything for ages, I may have to dust my needles out and knit something or other. probably more java jackets or a scarf... wish I could do a hat pattern but it always goes wrong.
I'm working on your robot swap too... I'll try and have it finished by next week...honest
Mmmm lovely, lucky you! I love the picture of the shoes.
Good to see you! Lovely fabrics, can't wait to see what you do with them. Glad you had a lovely time away. I know what you feel about the lack of summer sun to gear us up for winter, hopefully this weekend's gorgeousness helped with that!
Glad to see you back!!! Lovely parcels in the post!
I adore Ireland and would have loved a Hibernian Month, but belive me a Hellenic week was a tonic. Not a drop of rain. The summer has been so depressing in our latitude hasn't it?
now it's me who has taken so long to come visiting on the 'web. Thank you SO much for showing my little package and for blogging about it. There are very few people who have ever thanked me for receiving the items I have sent -- I'm so grateful for the "thank you" but also for blogging about it.
I hope you've decided what to do with those pretty fabrics!!
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