Wednesday 5 December 2007

some kind of lonely... a xmas tree...

well, as predicted, on Monday night I did sew my fingers together...but I also managed this little tree...

which is in fact a bag...

I had been planning to do lots of them for a little "craft'n'movie" shindig Ms. E Reva is having with some schoolfriends on Saturday (I thought it would be nice for each child to take their crafty bits'n'pieces home in one) but I am rapidly running out of time so I guess it'll have to stay lonely. I'll have to think of someone who might appreciate such a thing in the singular...

for completeness I feel I must show a rough of the forest it was once a part of...

this was the most fun I've had on a Monday night in a loooooong time!

Just a shame I started with my least favourite fabric combo as it was a bit of a trial run and I didn't want to waste one of my favs, you know how that is...

Maybe I will have to do another after all...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well done you!!!! And a great idea for the kids to take home from the party (if you can manage some more!!!!!)